Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Reading great books 5

Welcome bloggers. I hope you'll see this space as an opportunity to make literature discussion your own, making connections with other bloggers. Feel free to post questions, comments, pictures, illustrations, and to discuss related outside resources, passages, and whatever comes up in your reading. I hope you'll learn more about your reading, yourself, each other, and the world out there. Go ahead and dive in!Here are the guidelines you guys created and voted on in class:

  1. Use appropriate language. No cursing
  2. Respect others opinions. Polite disagreement is okay.
  3. No cyber bullying. Don't gang up on others.
  4. No personal information.
  5. Be honest and accurate.
  6. No flaming.
  7. Remember purpose and audience.
  8. Use proper grammar and spelling.
  9. Have fun.
  10. Golden Rule.
  11. Be open to others' questions.