Tuesday, March 6, 2007

237 To Go!!!!

In the one of the longest books known to man kind, I have 237 pages left, and out of the 1037 I HAD when I started, this is good. I'm actually really excited about finishing it, I'll be sad to finish it, but excited at the same time. Have you ever been excited to finish a book because that meant another book you had conquered, but totally sad about it, because you absolutely loved it? That's how I feel. I must admit, when I tried to read Gone With The Wind two years ago, I was so bored I could scream, but now, I don't want to put it down. I would like to read it at a little bit faster paste, but, seeing as how the print is barely big enough for a rat, I think I'm doing fairly well. Granted, with normal size books, I usually read about 4 a week, so this is kinda depressing for me. I had hoped to have it finished by Friday, but that isn't looking feasible at the moment, but hopefully, by Monday, I'll be checking out War and Peace from the library.


cavalierschick said...

I'm still really suprised that you're going to read War and Peace. I don't doubt that you can finish it and understand it, but I just didn't know that anyone could have the attention span to read something that thick. I'm glad that you really enjoyed Gone with the Wind and I hope you enjoy your next book. Quick question, how are you enjoying To Kill A Mockingbird so far?

Eliza101 said...

WOW thats a lot of pages. You could like use that as a weight or something!!!

Scarlett_Rose said...

Take that back, I have 156 pages.
Glad someone doesn't that I can read War and Peace, my mom keeps trying to distract me from it. So far, I love it!!!!! I'm really excited about reading it, I loved the movie, so I hope the movie doesn't defer from the book to much.

eliza101: I found your comment very exceedingly amusing. Once I start War and Peace, I'll have two weights.
Hope ya'll are enjoying your books and To Kill A Mockingbird!!!!

Scarlett_Rose said...

Oh my word!!!! I have only 118 pages left!!!! I'm so excited to finish the book, I'm practically counting down by the page. Hey, does anyone what the roman numeral "L" means? I have found that my favorite character in my book is Rhett Butler, the rebel ad outcast, because, amazingly, he's one of two of the only normal people in the book. The other is Melanie Hamilton Wilkes. So, maybe I'll be done by the weekend's end after all, hope so!!!!

cavalierschick said...

Well, the teacher is still teaching. I really don’t have a problem with it. I just can’t wait to see the look on his face when he finds out that I actually did end up in the percussion section for high school.
I’m not very graceful on a daily basses, but when I have to be it’s incredible.
That’s a lot of things to want to be as a kid, especially all at once! :] How about now? What career are you leaning towards?
Oh goodness . . . It’s so hard to pick a favorite musical. I’ve seen so many which makes it hard to pick one. Once you see a lot, you have so many memories attached to them it’s hard to pick which one is your favorite. I think though that my all time favorite one was WICKED. It was my first real Broadway musical and we sat in the third row. It was incredible to be able to see the actors that close, but being the band geek I am I enjoyed being able to see into the pit. Some of my other favorites have been Peter Pan, Hairspray, and Spamalot.

Leroy Jenkins said...

Thats such a big book you're super cool. byah.

Scarlett_Rose said...

WOW!!!! That is totally screwed up, about your teacher. I mean, seriously. Now, I'm leaning toward being a writer. For a time, I wanted to be a journalist, for about a year, but now I'm pretty much stuck on being a writer. I don't like talking to people I don't know. I get nervous and my myself look like an incompentent pre-schooler. It's soooo annoying.
YES!!!! I have less than hundred pages left of Gone With the Wind!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! Have fun!!!!!

Scarlett_Rose said...

YES!!!!! I just finished Gone With the Wind!!!!! I was so excited!!!!! It's official, that was my favorite book I have ever read!!!!!