Friday, March 2, 2007

25 things about me

25 things about me

1. I was a bridesmaid at my mom’s wedding.
2. I’ve moved 13 times in the same city.
3. I’ve illegally brought in a coconut into the U.S. from Mexico.
4. My stepsister has my name and is the same age.
5. I’m the only one out of my family who has green eyes.
6. I hate plain chocolate but I like chocolate flavored things.
7. I’m afraid of windows at night.
8. I have a huge birth mark on my leg that's speckley.
9. On the phone people mix me up with my mom and two sisters.
10. I’m 19 months younger than my sister, but everyone always thinks I’m the oldest.
11. I love to take pictures, read, bike, swim, and go to the beach.
12. I’m on the swim team.
13. People used to think my sister and I were twins.
14. I want to learn how to snowboard, surf, and play the guitar.
15. After college I want to live on the beach.
16. I’ve had stitches twice, once in my lip, and once in my leg.
17. I’ve had red, blonde, and black hair all naturally.
18. The only meat I eat is chicken.
19. I love summer and hate winter.
20. I’ve been laughed at by an entire Mexican cleaning staff for locking myself out of my hotel.
21. I’ve held a monkey, toucan, and swam with dolphins.
22. I’m really afraid of going across bridges especially if they’re over water.
23. I’ve only lived in one city.
24. I have poor circulation in my feet that makes my feet freezing.
25. I want to visit to England, Australia, and Greece.


Scarlett_Rose said...

How confusing is it to have a step sister with your name and age? I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to visit all those countries and many mnny more.

1dayi'llfly said...

ya it is really confusing. She's only here during the summers though. So, it's not that bad.

mellofelloet said...

I love the fact that you brought a coconut into the US. Its very random. Why a coconut?

1dayi'llfly said...

I worked very hard to get the coconut down from the tree. I was on the beach in mexico at night and it was the last night we would be there and i decided i wanted a coconut. So, i was stacking beach chairs trying to get it down. I couldn't get them high enough, so i started to throw things to hit it. I couldn't knock it down though. Finally my stepdad lifted me up and i twisted it and pulled it down. In the middle of all this a security guy was walking on the beach and i guess i was too loud and he started coming over to me. I ran away from him. Then i came back to get my coconut. It probably took me a hour to get it. The whole time that i was trying to get the coconut my family was laughing at me. I put the cocnut in my suitcase. When we got back to the U.S. the security people were telling people to dispose of any like food we brought. But the didn't check my bags at all. then didn't even go through the scanner. Shows how great our security it. That was after 911.

ice skate dreamer said...

I am just the opposite with your chocolate liking traits. I like chocolate, but I do not like chocolate flavored things. I don't like chocolate ice cream or cake. I would rather have a good old fashioned hersey bar.

Crouching_Tiger said...

I've also locked myself out of my room at a hotel. However, I didn't get laughed at.