Friday, March 2, 2007

26 Things About Me.

26 things about me! :]

1. I was born in Peoria, ILLINOIS.
2. I have lived in 3 states.
3. I have moved about a total of 5 times.
4. I have visited 25 states.
5. I have been playing tennis since I was 5 yrs. old.
6. I don't like feet. I think they are gross.
7. I love spring and summer.
8. I have been to Canada 2 times.
9. My dad has his own plane.
10. I love to climb.
11. When I was little my family called me Monkey.
12. I have been to Puerto Rico, the island of St. John, and St. Thomas.
13. I have had stiches twice.
14. In July of 2006 i lost my dog snowy to cancer.
15. I plan on traveling to all 50 states.
16. I love to travel, but i get homesick easily.
17. I love to play tennis! It is my favorite sport.
18. My birthday is in May.
19. I have 2 dogs and 1 cat.
20. I think the funniest show alive is Seinfield.
21. I love dogs.
22. I've had braces for about 4 years.
23. I like to go boating on the lake.
24. My favorite car is the Corvette.
25. I prefer fruit to vegetables.
26. I would like to meet Andy Roddick!


1dayi'llfly said...

I like to travel 2. I don't get homesick though. I would like to vist all 50 states. I've only been to about 15 though. I also want to travel to europe. I think that would be really fun. I also hate feet. They're really gross.

Scarlett_Rose said...

I have been in most of the states, after my freshman year, I'll have only 5 or 6 states left. I want to go to all states, escept I refuse to go to Alaska. My mom and I are planning on taking a trip each year of my High School career. This year, we're going to New Englend, next year, the four corner states, Junior year, Hawii, and Senior year, overseas.

Crouching_Tiger said...

You have feet...