Monday, March 5, 2007

The Book I'm Reading...


At the moment I am reading a great book

called:Ties that Bind, Ties that Break.

Two girls, bound

by friendship, defy the ancient traditions of their
class and heritage and emerge as young women of

indomitable spirit. Ailin, the main character of Ties
That Bind, Ties That Break, is born into the Tao

family at a time when China is in great turmoil. The foreigners, known as the “Foreign Big Noses,” are

eroding the empire by bringing in Western philosophies. More spirited than her older sisters, 5-year-

old Ailin refuses to have her feet bound, causing the family of her intended husband to break their

marriage agreement. Shamed by her decision, Ailin’s family is no longer willing to support her. At 14

she becomes the amah, or governess, for the Warner children and embarks on a new life that gives

her happiness in ways she never dreamed.In An Ocean Apart, a World Away, 16-year-old Xueyan,

Ailin’s best friend from school, wants to become a doctor. While Xueyan’s dream is unorthodox in her

culture, her family is supportive when she moves to America to enroll in Cornell University. Lonely and

suffering from culture shock, Xueyan is beginning to doubt her decision to come to America when she

is reunited with her friend Ailin, who is now married and living in San Francisco. Ailin’s encouragement

and a developing relationship with L.H., a male Chinese student at Cornell who has a modern view of

women, gives Xueyan the courage she needs to pursue her dream.
If You're ever REALLLYYY bored at can watch Korean dramas on YouTuBe.Com.
Yes I Know that you can't watch it at school...but you can always try and watch it at home!
My favorite movie has got to be...The King and the Clown, it has won 10 awards and one of
them for best male actor, Lee Jun Ki. It's based on a true story in Korea. The king goes crazy and
causes chaos amongst the palace, he starts to kill off his bridesmaid and even his wife by his side.
Or if you like a comedy...mmm...Fly, Daddy, Fly was a pretty funny movie about a man who
wasn't there for his daughter when she is beaten up by some hoodlums. So he gets a fighting
teacher who's only a highschool student to help him defeat the highschool student that beat his
daughter up.
Sorry...I tried to space it as much as I could so that it'd be easy to read.


cavalierschick said...

I loved that book. I read it last year for school project and really enjoyed it. Let me know how you end up liking it.

mygame_tennis16 said...

Ooh i remember reading that book. It was really good. I hope you enjoy it.