Monday, March 5, 2007

The Opera Ghost really existed

That is the first sentence of the book that I just got done reading. The book is called The Phantom of the Opera. Most of you might know the title from the movie that came out not to long ago or even the musical, but did you know that it was based off a book? The book was written by Gaston Leroux. I really enjoyed reading the book even though it is different from the movie and even the play. I guess that is how it is with most all books that become movies. The book is more of a romance than the play ended up being. One big difference between the book and the movie is that the phantoms name is Erik. I found that really strange. Most of the time I like to read the book before I see the movie. I also got the chance to see the musical on Broadway which was really cool!!! I would recommend this book to any one who really liked the movie.


Stella_in_color said...

The Phaaaaaaaaaaaantom of the o-p-e-r-a is here inside my mind.....


cavalierschick said...

Do you think it's a hard read? I started reading it and then the language and french terms started to get a little over my head. That was a few years ago, but I really wasn't drawn into the book. Maybe I should try it again. Did you find any really big differences between the movie and the book?

Eliza101 said...

To Stella_in_color
nice singing

Eliza101 said...

To Cavalierschick
At the beginning it was a little bit hard but eventually it got more and more easy to understand

mygame_tennis16 said...

The phantom of the opera is a really good book and the play is good too.Yeah thats so true, the book and the play are both completely different from the movie.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

i saw the movie and loved it so i guess ill take your advice and read the book! :)