Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Where are the Ducks?

I am getting closer to finishing The Catcher in the Rye. I have really enjoyed this book even if it is not the most exciting. Since it dwells on what happens to Holden in a matter of days, not a whole lot goes on. I see this book as more of a way for Holden to kind of self-reflect on himself. He talks about the other prep schools he's gotten kicked out of and the people he knew there. Once in awhile he talks about this girl, Jane Gallagher. He keeps saying that he wants to call her, but he is never in the mood. They kind of had a thing for awhile, so who knows if he will ever talk to her. But he goes on a date with a girl called Sally Hayes. He met Sally once before so he thought this date would be fun. It was a total disaster. Holden talks about all the girls he sees whether they are phonies or pretty or ugly, but sadly he's really tactless when it comes to girls.

I also kind of wonder if Holden has ADHD. I have a relative who has ADHD, so I can tell. He often gets really excited about things and talks louldly too. He also asks the most random questions at times and often changes the subject, just like he can't keep his mind on one thing. He's actually asked the question, "Where do the ducks go in the winter from the lake in South Central Park? Do they migrate or do they get shipped off by people?". So I wondered this myself. My grandmother used to live in a neighborhood where they had a duck pond with fish in it. I always visited during Thanksgiving and it's warm in Dallas, so I wouldn't know. Sadly, my grandmother moved to Minnesota where it's so cold.

So the question I have is : Where do you think the ducks went?


cavalierschick said...

They go where all warm-loving ducks go for the winder.

Disney World.

Erin said...

I think the point Holden was trying to make is that those ducks are kind of in captivity, so you don't know if they leave on their own or if Central Park takes care of them.