Monday, June 4, 2007

Basketball, My Best Blog Ever

At first I was not sure what I was going to blog about for my best blog ever or the blogging final then I decided to do it over something that I really like not something that I read or am going to read and especially not over Shakespeare, I have done enough blogging over that already. So I finally decided to do it over Basketball. I have read a lot of books about basketball over the course of my life and especially over this last school year. I have read a book called Driven From Within which is a autobiography of Michael Jordan and I also read a book called The Last Dance by John Fienstein
These both were really good books and they taught my a lot about the drama and the feelings that can go into one game of basketball.

Basketball is not a game, it is life. That is the mindset of a lot of people in the world without basketball a lot of these people would not survive, sometimes this is all they got, they might have a really tough home life and they play basketball to get away from it all. For others it is a way to get a good education which is the case for a lot of college players, they play basketball to get scholarships and once they are done with college they are probably done with it and more than likely won't pursue a pro career.

Pro basketball right now is getting very exciting. The rise of the King. Lebron "King" James has finally arrived, he will be making his first finals appearance after he basically dismantled the Pistons by himself in the Eastern Conference Finals. Now they look to do the same to the Spurs. I recommend watching this series, it is going to be a great one.

Basketball has been a huge part of my life since I was little and It always will be without it I don't know what I do. It is the best game ever.


lild7hinascc said...

Great post. I used to play basketball but I kind of stopped. I agree that it takes your mind off stress. Basketball is one of my favorite sports.

lild7hinascc said...
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mellofelloet said...

I thought that this was a very good post. I can tell that sports really mean a lot to you and I think that you made that clear with the book that you chose to talk about. I enjoyed reading your post, I thought that it was very well written. Nice Job :)

Anonymous said...

Good posts, I love basketball even though i decided not to play this year- it will always be and important part of my life. Sports in general can mean the world to some people. Nice job, i enjoy reading your posts.

Eliza101 said...

Good post but just fyi, you might want to spell basketball right on your post title next time but good other than that.

gobluedevils042 said...

thanks ill change that.

Lacy Jo said...

This is a good blogg. I am huge fan of basketball also and I know what its like to have such a great passion for it. Have a great summer!! and i hope that your basketball caree gets your far.

cavalierschick said...

cool post. I'm not a big sports fan, but I now can see where people who do enjoy sports are coming from.

Tony Buck said...

Great post! I think its a good idea to get away from the usual post and do it over something fun. Sound like great basketball books, might have to look into them.