Friday, June 1, 2007

Posting Final!

Just got a quick question.
1.) Has she said how long the post has to be and I've missed it?
Thanks for the help. I had another question, butI can't remember what it was! (Bravo, right?)


mellofelloet said...

No she didnt say how long the post had to be, she just said to make it the best post ever.

Scarlett_Rose said...

ok, that's what I thought, but I wasn't sure!

cavalierschick said...

she told me when I asked that however long it takes to create your best post is how long it would need to be. I would think it would be a little long so you can add in all of the links and information that needs to be included. :]

Scarlett_Rose said...

Well, somehow, I don't think that's giong to be a problem!