Monday, June 4, 2007

I Am Blessed.


Honestly, I never thought that school would end this year, and I never thought I would be writing my final post. When Mrs. James started telling us about writing our final post, I had no idea what to write about. But, after this experience, I couldn't be more sure that this was what I was supposed to write about.

Last night, after church, my family and I went to another family's house for a late dinner. That experience, you could say changed me, forever. The dad of the family, Ron, was married before and had two girls, Emily and Callie, there ages are 28 and 34, and weigh approximately 22 and 30 pounds. The two girls stay with Ron and his wife, Kim, every other weekend, and are with there real mom the rest of the time. When I walked in there house, Emily and Callie were sleeping in, what looked like, a "dog's bed" and had breathing machines on, and two "sippy" cups on either side of the girls. When I saw them laying there, I began to feel this big weight of guilt on my shoulders.

I've always been one to complain about not being skinny, or pretty enough, or always thinking I look so ugly, and wondering why I don't have pretty legs and pretty bodies like all the other girls do. When I saw Emily and Callie, for the first time in my life, I realized just how blessed I was. Seeing them made me have a flashback of all the things I've ever said bad about myself, and I told God, I would never say anything bad again.

Emily and Callie were only expected to live till they were 7 and 9 years old; and they're still living today. Doctors cannot believe that they're still here. Now, that's what you call a blessing. Emily and Callie have what you call, Microcephaly, which is a condition of abnormal smallness of the head usually associated with mental retardation. They are expected to die any day now. What's sad is that they don't know what day could be there last.

Emily and Callie taught me something last night. They taught me to take the time to realize what you DO have, rather than what you DON'T have, and just take the time to realize how truly blessed you really are.


Eliza101 said...

That was a really good post. It must have took a lot of courage to look at them. Seeing people in a state less than you does tend to make you take things like that back. I really hope they find a way to pull through and if they don't well God had a better place for them to be than here. Really good posting!!!!

never_give_up said...

That was a great post, that must've had a huge impact on you to see them. I know it would on me. That really makes you start thinking differently.

Anonymous said...

Great post!
I feel very fortunate when I hear about things like this..But if you think about it, you said they were only suppose to live a short while,They have passed that up by a long shot. Once again Awesome Post!

mellofelloet said...

Wow, that was a really good post. It really makes you think about whar you have in life and how our lives are better then other people. I know that sounds mean but it is true. I liked your post it was amazing. Great Job!