Monday, June 4, 2007

My friends, we are soaring...

We are the generation of such great things. There are so many things that we are capable of doing and it terrifies and excites me at the same time. We are on the verge of something great and I can feel it because with so much technology out there we can help so many people. And its not going to be very long until we have a cure for things like AIDS, HIV, and Cancer. That will be great.

It just makes me so happy that we are coming into a great and brighter future. Granted, we still have a LOT or problems to solve on the way, but theres a feeling of a new beginning of sorts. Maybe in the years to come, we will see better days.

The great thing about this whole thing called life is, that we have the power to make it better and create new ways to change the world so that we are happier. Its a awesome feeling to have so much power isnt it? the way that we act today will effect tomorrow.

Ok i know that this whole thing is sounding really cheezy at the moment but when you think about it, its true. We have the power to change our world. If we just keep it up and dont let it slip out of our hands like we have before, than weve got a fighting chance. Call me a hippie or whatever you want to but i think that it can happen. We've just got to have a little more faith than we have had the last few years.

Now as we are about to move on out of the ninth grade, we are taking the first baby steps into our new horison, a new day, a new world. All we have to to is keep the faith alive and keep loving and laughing like we do every day so that we can make the most of this life that we are so very blessed with. We are the future and with all this power, its going to be really bright. :-)


Eliza101 said...

That was a really good post. I agree with the things that you said. If we have the ability to change something for the better, we should change it. Good job!!

Anonymous said...

Great post, and I agree technology is definitly advancing and improving, but not always for good. We have to remember to be careful- new technology can be just as dangeous as it is helpful. Your post reminded me of this movie that my health class watched today, called pay it forward it is all about changing the world for the better. It also reminded me of that song- waiting on the world to change.

mellofelloet said...

I think that you did an amazing job on your post. I really enjoyed it and I thought it was really good. It was well written and it is just and overall great post. You are right, we have the ability to change the world. We just have to put forth the effort.