Monday, June 4, 2007

Crazy News

Phyco Squirrel

Letter carriers occasionally have to deal with angry dogs or maybe even a spider's nest in a mailbox, but a mean squirrel? Barb Dougherty, a 30-year Postal Service employee, said she was attacked and bitten Monday by a squirrel while delivering mail in Oil City, about 75 miles north of Pittsburgh."It was a freak thing. It was traumatic," Dougherty told The Derrick in Oil City. "I saw it there on the porch, put the mail in the box and turned to walk away and it jumped on me."The animal ran up her leg and onto her back, she said.

Strange Joke

A high school principal received a six-day suspension and a letter of reprimand Eric Messerli pulled a Park High School senior's soccer jersey over his head and yanked upward on the waistband of the boy's underwear at a soccer game Oct. 5. Other school officials said he was joking around with the student and did it playfully. He was suspended for two days without pay and four days with pay before the school board decided Monday to let him return. He tearfully told the board: "I've made mistakes in my life, but none have had the impact that this one has had."


The research made by the US government shows that men now produce only about a third as much sperm as hamsters.Scientists at Bradford University and the University of California, Berkeley, have found increased genetic damage in the sperm of men when they consume average amounts of caffeine. This could lead to unsuccessful pregnancies or to children being born with deformities or genetic disease.

Tax Evasions

Eunuchs in eastern India were drafted by authorities to sing outside the homes of tax evaders to embarrass them into paying up, a report has said. Sari-clad eunuchs were out in force with municipal tax collectors Wednesday in Patna, capital of Bihar, India's most lawless state, the Indian Express reported. "Pay the tax, pay the Patna Municipal Corporation tax," chorused the eunuchs on the doorstep of their first target, Ram Sagar Singh, who owed 100,000 rupees (2,240 dollars). A mortified Singh promised to pay within a week, the report said.

Kidnapping Gone Wrong

A botched kidnapping ended with one of the assailants shooting himself in the groin, Wichita police said. The man had just stuck the gun back into his waistband when it fired, shooting him in the left testicle.He cringed, causing the gun to fire again and strike him in the left calf.
When the shooting ended, the 23-year-old man managed to walk himself into the hospital for treatment, police said. He and his two accomplices, ages 18 and 20, were arrested for aggravated attempted kidnapping and conspiracy to obstruct justice.

It's a Little Old Now

Like most students at Fort Hays State University, Nola Ochs plans to spend some time reading and studying during this week's fall break. But she'll take time out on Wednesday to celebrate her 95th birthday. Ochs is living at Wooster Hall on campus while pursuing her general studies degree at the university. She has about 15 hours to take next semester to get her degree.
If she does it, Ochs will be the Guinness Book of World Records' oldest college graduate.


Anonymous said...

Interesting post!

mellofelloet said...

Wow, that is really interesting. I think that some of those things were a little interesting but I think that it is very neat.

Anonymous said...

very intersting!

Eliza101 said...

Good job.

Lacy Jo said...

ok one word for this post: WOW!! lol this blog was full of fun, unusal, but interesting facts. I find it histarical that some of this stuff really happens to people. Good job on your blog. :)

cavalierschick said...

ha, that was cool. Don't get me wrong, everyone's post were great, but I love this one. Random yet entertaining.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

wow those are some interesting facts... i didnt know principals could be suspended from school...pretty cool haha

Stella_in_color said...

wow i will never look at kidnappers or squirrels ever again. lol