Friday, June 1, 2007

Child Abuse

Earlier in the year I read a book titled A Child Called It. It was written by Dave Pelzer and it was a autobiographry of his life. He was brutally beaten and abused by his alcoholic mother, and was bascially treated like an animal. Throughout the book, he talks of all the struggles and near death experiences that he has to go through. Could you imagine your own mother pinning your arm up against a firey hot stove until you could smell the stinch of burnt flesh? This is just one of the many things Dave had to endure during his childhood. Its a miracle that he didn't end up in a mental institution or commit sucicide. I don't know how he handled everything so well. Its amazing to me how the people who have been through so much hardship can have such a positive outlook on life. There are so many children just like Dave, that have similar stories. You can go to this website that is very powerful and also educating to learn more about what you can do to stop child abuse. There is link you can click on once you get to the website that can show you how you can help donate your time and money is the hope of stopping this horrific crime. You can volunteer at the CCAFV(communtiy coalition against family violence) and really make a difference in a troubled child's life. There is another website you can go to just to simply learn about the statistics of child abuse and how to possible lower those numbers. With education, we can stop this crime.


Anonymous said...

thats an AWESOME way to give

Eliza101 said...

I have heard a lot of my friends talk about that book and a lot of them really liked it so I might try to read it this summer. Great post.

cavalierschick said...

I've read this book before and it's so sad. It was a very well written book and very inspiring, but it's so depressing. I've always wanted to read it again, but I don't think I could. It's just too sad for me.

mellofelloet said...

Wow, I really liked your post and I thought that you talked about the book well. I have heard alot about the book and it sounds really good, graphic, but good. It was really good and I liked the post. Very well written.

Leroy Jenkins said...

Nice post. Child abuse is too popular of a problem within the United States, luckily Law Enforcement is pretty quick to crack down on it, unfortunately its a hard to really know if someone is being abused because it's such a private kind of thing.

Scarlett_Rose said...

My cousin read this book, and one night when she was spending the night, she kept poping up with little passages from it, it was sad and depressing, and it sounds lie a book that would make me start bawling in the middle of class! However, abusing children IS, as Leroyjenkins sad, way to popular. I don't see the point in abusing an innocent child. If you didn't want the child to begin with, then there are solutions to that, and it's not abusing! (Is abusement a word?)