Sunday, June 3, 2007

Best Post

So this week Ms.James asked us to write our best blog post ever as our blogging final. I think that is very fair and much better than a long test this coming week. So here it is...
It was kinda hard to think about what to blog about for my best blog. I could have blogged about to shakespeare or to kill a mockingbird, but instead i choose to blog about something important to me. Sports. This year i have read many books about Sports. Maravich by Wayne Federman, A March to Madness by John Feintsein, Last Dance by John Feintsein, Travel Team by Mike Lupica, The Last Shot by Darcy Fray, and To Hate like this is to be Happy forever. They all tought me different things. They made me realize that sports arn't just something you do for fun, in some cases the can be your life, what you wake up everyday and look forward to. Like the book To Hate like This, the man who wrote it was a North Carolina fan (I'm a Duke fan) but he wrote an amazing book about his obseesion with sports even though he's not an athlete. He wakes up everyday thinking about the Tar Heels. That got me thinking to some people in the world sports is all they have. Like some of the kids in Africa who all they have in the world is soccer. Those people look up to athletes everyday the same way we americans do. I think it is important for athletes to have a positive influence on everyone. They need to do whats right and provide the nessecary romodel. So thats my posts, about sports, and how sports can be everything to people all over the world, rich or poor, sports knows no race or religion, its just sports and anyone can be apart of it.


mellofelloet said...

I like your post, and you are right. To some people sorts = life. For others it could be something else like music or God or sometimes even school. I really enjoyed you post and I thought it was really good. Nice job! :)

cavalierschick said...

what a cool post. I played sports for a while and knew how amazing sports can be. I'm like that with my music now, which is something I hope someone gets to experience. Whether is music, sports, or any other hobby, everyone needs to experience the rush and excitment something like that can bring you you.

Anonymous said...

Sports are difinitly a huge part of a lot of people's lives. It can be one specific sport or just anything sports related. Great Post!

Eliza101 said...

I am the same with cavalierschick.
I used to be big into sports until I started music, which slowly consumed my life. Nice post!

gobluedevils042 said...

I like your post, Its amazing. I agree with you completly sometimes sports are the only thing that some people have and its the only thing that gets them through the tough trials of life. Great Blog.