Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My Best Blog Ever...Maybe

I have had a hard time figuring out what to blog about for my best blog ever. It took me awhile to think about, but I think I finally found my topic.

I decided to blog about this book I read a couple months ago called "Pride&Prejudice" by Jane Austen. The book begins when Mr.Bingley, a wealthy and single man, moves into a large estate called Netherfield in Hertfordshire county, but he doesn't come alone. Mr.Bingley's friend Mr.Darcy has accompanied him.

One day at a local ball Mr.Bingley and Mr.Darcy meet the Bennet family which consists of Mr.&Mrs.Bennet, Elizabeth, Jane, Lydia, Kitty, and Mary Bennet. Right when Mr.Bingley see's Jane he falls in love with her and soon she too feels the same. Although Mr.Bingley is kind and charming Mr.Darcy on the other hand is not. Elizabeth finds him too proud after he refuses to dance with her and doesn't talk to anyone for most of the night.

As the days go on Jane and Mr.Bingley's affection grows and Mrs.Bennet starts to suspect a wedding soon, but one day Jane finds out that Mr.Bingley has left for London and he won't be coming back. Jane is crushed and Elizabeth soon suspects that Mr.Darcy played a role in this separation.

When Elizabeth goes on a trip with her aunt and uncle all of her suspicion's and outlooks of Mr.Darcy change when she encounters him at his estate. Elizabeth soon realizes that she is falling for him. When news reaches Mr.Darcy's aunt, Lady Catherine that the two might be getting engaged, she rushes to Elizabeth's home to make sure the news isn't true which it isn't. Lady Catherine does not think Elizabeth is a suitable enough to marry Mr.Darcy. She believes Elizabeth's family isn't wealthy enough and that they aren't very proper. When Elizabeth does not deny being engaged to Mr.Darcy she is furious and leaves in a hurry.

Mr.Darcy confronts Elizabeth after hearing from his aunt and asks Elizabeth if her feelings for him have changed. Elizabeth agrees and they live happily ever after. :)

I loved this book, it put a smile on my face plus the ending was fantastic. Now to tell you all what topic I tied this book in with. During the book they talk a lot about how really rich people should marry someone with the same amount of wealth and position in society. Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth for example were told that they couldn't be married because of wealth in the family. There are plenty of times in the book where they talk about a family's wealth and how no one will want to marry this person because they hardly make 1000 pounds a year. Personally I think that not marrying someone because they don't have enough money is stupid. If your going to marry someone it should be for love and not wealth.

Well that's my best blog post ever. I hope you liked it. What did you all think? Give me your opinions. (: Oh and if you want to see some clips from the movie here is a link: http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/prideandprejudice.html


mellofelloet said...
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Eliza101 said...

I watched that movie and I loved it. I should probably read the book.

mygame_tennis16 said...

Yeah the book is amazing(:

gobluedevils042 said...

nice post. I havent seen the movie or read the book but it sounds cool.