Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A million little pieces

I'm reading A Million Little Pieces, by James Frey. There was a big controversy about the book after it came out. The book is about James Frey and his experience overcoming an addiction to drugs and alcohol. When the book first came out, James said the whole story was true. The controversy came when, characters in the story came out and said that certain parts didn't happen like he told them. A lot of people have problems with the book because it was such a compelling story, and it gave people who had addictions hope to quit.

Some people don't care if the book was a good story, the author lied and they don't want to read it. There's a site where you can read about other people's opinion about the book and what they think of James Frey lying. http://www.thebookclubsite.com/upload/oprahs-book-club/4-million-little-pieces.html. If you want to learn more about the lies that James Frey made up go here. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0104061jamesfrey1.html This site exposes James Frey.For me the book would have meant so much more if it were true. I still think the book is good it just would have been so much better if it were true. If any of you guys have read it, what is your opinion about James Frey? Also, the main problem I have with it, is he was asked several times if his story was true. Each time he said it was and that he was standing by his decision. He did eventually come out and say he lied. However, I think he should have came out earlier and told the public that he lied. Actualy, I think he shouldn't have ever lied. His book still would have got a lot of credit if he would have just told the truth. Oprah Winfrey had him on her show and if you would like to see what he had to say about lying click http://www.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/200601/tows_past_20060126.jhtml.

For those of you who have never heard about A Million Little pieces or the controversy, the book has certain parts were you just feel like crying. There's one chapter where he goes to the dentist. At the dentist he gets 2 root canals and in the book he says he doesn't have any drugs to numb him. This part of the book was proven false with documents. There's more parts where it really made you feel for him....but once you've found out that he lied, you lose respect for him. You guys should check out the book, and see for yourselfs! It's a really good book, even if I have been saying bad things about it. It also makes you realize how hard it is too quit doing drugs. It really made me never want to try drugs. I know a lot of people at are school experiment and do drugs, but it's not for me. This book has taught me a lot about drugs. That sounds weird, but it true.

This was my last, and hopefully best blog post. I hope you guys have a GREAT Summer. I hope to see all of you next year, and some of you during the summer!! English has been fun! This sounds like i'm writing in a year book. haha. okay. Well bye!

1 comment:

mellofelloet said...

This was a great post. It seems like everyone is reading that book. I really want to but I have heard it is really graphic. Great Post!