Monday, June 4, 2007

Want More Books To Read?

Hey, everyone! I know I already did this post, but for some reason, my linking didn't work. Plus I found some more good books. Or at least they look good. Some of these I got from friends. The rest, I found at Barnes & Noble. (Here's my secret) I go to the bookstore with just a pen and paper in hand and I spend a couple hours there, reading the summaries of books and writing down the ones that look good. Then I check them out at the library. I know it sounds cheap, but I am not made of money and I want to find new books to read. But it works for me. Here is my top twenty list that I plan to read this summer. You might find a book or two you would like. I found a variety of books, though I doubt the guys would like some of these. I also found a few websites with more books on them. They're at the very bottom of my blog, except they won't show up.

My Top 20 Reading List

1. Love, Cajun Style by Diane Les Bequets
It the summer in Louisiana, before Lucy's senior year and romance is in the air. Lucy's mom is flirting with the guy who owns the art gallery and her friends also think about boys constantly. Now Lucy starts to like her drama teacher and maybe even the new boy in town. Everyone is so wrapped up in their own romances, and Lucy knows it will be one summer, she'll never forget.

2. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
When Noah got back from World War II, tried to find the woman he fell in love with fourteen years ago. But he find her. Now she reappears in his life. Allie, too, still feels the same passion she felt years ago. But she is engaged to another man, plus the reasons that she and Noah broke up the first time are still there. Is this their second chase?

3. Trouble with Tulip by Mindy Starns Clark
Josephine Tulip is a helful hints columnist who solves mysteries in her spare time. Her friend is a photographer named Danny who is hoping for his big break-through. When Tulip's next-door neighbor is accused of murder, Tulip knows the police have the wrong suspect. As she and Danny look for clues and get in and out of trouble, they both realize they have feelings for each other.

4. Don't Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel
Julie and Luke have always been school sweethearts and now even in high school they are still in love. Luke plans to get a football scholarship and Julie plans to follow him. But when Luke's supposed virus won't go away, so Julie tells him to go to the doctor. When they go, the results are shocking. Will their love still remain strong?

5. Crazy in Love by Dandi Darley Mackall
Mary Jane really likes this guy named Jackson and he seems to like her, but he is dating the popular senior named Star. Mary Jane know that Star is dating behind his back, but she has promised Mary Jane that if she tells she will make her life miserable. She tries to make everyone happy, but Star starts spreading rumors about her. She waits for Jackson to break up with Star. If you ask me it sounds really complicated.

6. After the Rain by Norma Fox Mazer
Rachel is a worry-wart. She worries about if her friends like her and if she will have her first kiss by sixteen.(She's fifteen now)But when her dying grandfather shows her that she has special abilities, she reaches out to the old tyrant who had stayed unreachable and hard to get close to before. Through this, she learns to understand herself, and her friends and family.

7. Shanbanu by Suzanne Fisher Staples
This is about a girl who was born into a Pakistan family without sons, which is considered unblessed. Because of this she has been offered freedoms that most girls don't have. Now she and her sister will marry two brothers once they become of age. But the brothers are tragically killed and now the girl has to marry the landowner to settle the feud. Will she find a way out of it?

8. Cures for Heartbreak by Margo Rabb
Mia is now coping with the loss of her mother who was dianosed with cancer. In this coping, she learns ways to connect with her father and sister. With this she learns to face her fears and reconstruct her life by looking through her mom's past.

9. Sold by Patricia McCormick
Lakshmi is a normal thirteen year old girl who lives in Nepal and is very poor. But when the monsoons wash away her family's crops, she has to take a job to support her family. She becomes a maid for a wealthy family, but it becomes a nightmare. She finds that she has been sold and her owner says she can't leave until her family's debt is paid.

10. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
This is the one I am reading right now. It is good so far. It is about this girl named Annabel who life fell apart last summer. Who she thought were her friends now treat her like dirt. Then she meets Owen who is obsessed with music and telling the truth. But can she really tell him what happened that night that her friendship with Sophie ended?

11. Pirates! by Celia Rees
This is a story from the 17th century and it is about two girls who find refuge on a pirate ship. Nancy is running away from an arranged marriage and Minerva, from a plantation. Both find that a pirate's life isn't easy especially with a cruel captain following them. Nancy also wonders if her sailor friend will still love her even though she is now a pirate.

12. Fairest by Gail Carson Levine
This is the same author who wrote "Ella Enchanted". This one is about a girl who says that instead of crying at birth, she sang. She has a beautiful voice that can do anything. It drawns in the Prince and the Queen who wants to use for her own plans to remain the fairest of them all.

13. Old Magic by Marianne Curley
Kate knew something was different about the new boy in her class. She realizes what it is when Jarrod creates a thunderstorm, inside the classroom. She tries to tell him that he has magically powers, but he won't addmit to it until he sees that it is he can't control it. They search and solve the mystery of his family's past. Now they have to fight to change the past to reshape the future. I want to read this one really bad.

14. Blue is for Nightmares by Laurie Stolarz
If you like mystery and murder and goosebumps, here's your book. This is about a girl who keeps having these nightmares, again. Last time, she ignored them, a little girl died. Now they are about her friend who has become a target by this stalker. Everyone at school thinks it is a game until a girl is murdered with no witnesses and no one has an alibi. Now Stacey has to figure out who did it before the killer makes her nightmares come true. This is a four book series as you can tell from the picture.

15. Let's Get Lost by Sarra Manning
Isabel is know as the mean girl at her school. She hides the pain of her mother's unexpected death by meaning mean to everyone and acting up. But when she meets an older boy named Smith, she finds that he can "smooth her rough edges."

16. The Truth about Forever by Sarah Dessen
This book is about a girl who is not looking forward to what she thinks will be a boring summer. Her boyfriend is gone to camp and she is still grieving over her father. Then she meets Wes and he will totally change her life. But should she risk hurting her boyfriend at camp or go with Wes?

17. Golden by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Lissy's family as just moved from Oklahoma to California. She soon finds out that at her new school, there are two kinds of people. The Goldens are the popular ones and the Nons are everone else. Lissy has this magically ability to see people's auras and she see the connections between people.

18. Golden by Cameron Dokey
If you think that this is an ordinary fairy tale story, you are wrong. This is about Rapunzel and this is a different story. Before she was born, her mother made a promise that if she couldn't love Rapunzel when she was born that she would have to give her to the sorceress named Melisande. When Rapunzel was born without hair or any hopes of growing hair, her mother gave her up. Now that Rapunzel is sixteen, the sorceress tells her that she has another daughter named Rue who is in desperate need of help. Can the girls put aside their differences to save Rue?

19. The Decoding of Lana Morris by Laura and Tom McNeal
This is about a girl named Lana Morris. She has been at the Winter's household for 6 months now. The rest of the kids there are special needs kids. At first she couldn't believe she was staying there, but now she loves the other kids. There is also her next door neighbor who has jerk friends who ignore her. One day she stumbles on to an antique store and she buys a drawing set with all the money she has on her. She soon finds out that it is different than most. What ever she draws, comes true and what ever she erases, disappears.

20. No Shame, no fear by Ann Turnbull
This book is about a romance in the 17th century between a Quaker girl and a merchant's son. Because of the time period, there is a lot of perscution and they struggle with their faith and with their communities. I heard there was also a sequel to this book called "Forged in the Fire".

Other Links

Here are some links I found that have lists of books. One of them searches for books. If you click on the titles it comes up with A-Z and it will search for any books starting with that letter. I think that one book about saving fish from drowning is on there.

1 comment:

bumblebee15 said...

Sorry, guys. Blogger isn't letting me link. The web addresses show when I edit it, but they don't show up on the blog. So they are there just not there.