Monday, June 4, 2007

Best Blog Ever! I Hope...

So the final blog has finally come. In retrospect it almost seems scary to think about how much we have done in this class. We read lots of books, watched some movies, did a ton of blogging and even got to do some acting!

We started out with “The Odyssey” where we learned a ton about Greek mythology. Personally I didn’t like this topic so much, but in the past I have certainly done worse.

Then we continued on with “To Kill a Mockingbird.” This was my favorite book because it dealt with lots of issues including racism, in family dispute, and many others. Prior to this class I had already read “To Kill a Mockingbird” so I knew what to expect but every time I read the book I continue to enjoy it.

Then we finished up with William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet.” One of the most famous writings to all of mankind today. I don’t think that reading “Romeo and Juliet” now was that great of an idea because we couldn’t understand it that well but hopefully in the future we can look back and say that we tried and maybe read it again, next time with more understanding. Next year and the year after I’m sure we will be reading other Shakespeare novels.

On my own outside of class I read a book called “Bravo Two Zero” by Andy McNab. It was about a search and destroy mission that had gone bad in Iraq. The prisoners suffered horrible conditions but somehow five of the eight managed to make it through. I would never want to be a prisoner of war, its ten times worse than the worst nightmare you could ever imagine.

I hope everyone had a great year because I know I sure did. I’m definitely looking forward to the summer and can’t wait to be out of school. Speaking of summer, does anyone have major plans? I have baseball and am probably going to Michigan to see some family. Tell me what you’re going to be doing.
Do you think we will ever reveal our blogging identities?


mellofelloet said...

I liked your post. I thought it was really neat how you talked about all of the things we have read in class. I liked the links they were really neat. Overall, GREAT JOB!

Anonymous said...

i was kinda hoping that Ms. James would ask all of us to reveal our identities in class, but i dont think shell do it.

Eliza101 said...

I hope that we will reveal our blogging names even thought I have kinda figured out some of the class. I really liked your post.

cavalierschick said...

I think it's crazy how much we've done in this class, but what I think is even cooler is the diversity of books and activities we got to look at. I'm actually leaving for Chicago on sunday to see blue man group, which I am thrilled about. As for blogging identities, I'm sure we can almost guess all of them by now, but personally, I might reveal mine in case some people just didn't figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Good post- I like how you related everthing that we did this year. I hope everyone reveals thier identities, I want to know who some of these people are!

Stella_in_color said...

of course you already know who i am! I am soo ready for school to be over! i am going to swim alot and do summer school which gives me another credit! "look forward to it!"

mellofelloet said...

I kind of want people to share who they are - I think that people already know who I am.

Lacy Jo said...

You had a really great blog. I enjoyed reading it and have to agree we have done a lot this year, but being a freshman was so much fun. This summer I am just going to st. louis to visit family and play a lot of basketball. Nothing to excting. Hope you have fun in Michigan and have a great summer!