Monday, June 4, 2007

Dear John (My Best blog? XD)

When Savannah Lynn Curtis comes into his life, John Tyree knows

he's ready to turn over a new leaf. An angry rebel, he had enlisted

in the army after high school, not knowing what else to do.

Then, during a furlough, he meets the girl of his dreams.

Savannah Lynn Curtis is attending college in North Carolina,

working for Habitat for Humanity, and totally unprepared

for the passionate attraction she feels for John Tyree.

The attraction is mutual and quickly grows into the kind

of love that leaves Savannah vowing to wait for John while

he finishes his tour of duty, and John realizing that he's

ready to settle down with the young woman who has

captured his heart.

Neither can foresee that 9/11 is about to change the world

and force John to risk every hope and dream he's ever had.

Like so many proud men and woman, John must choose

between love and country. And like all those left behind

love and country. And like all those left behind. Savannah

must decide to wait or move on. How do we choose wisely?

How can we face loss--without giving up on love? Now,

when he finally returns to North Carolina, John will

discover that loving Savannah will force him to make the

hardest decision on of his life.

An extraordinary, moving story, DEAR JOHN explores

the complexities of love--how it survives time and

how it transforms us forever.

What this book made me think of:

When I read this book, I realized that there were many

soldiers at war...who have wives who mourn for them to come

back. I realized that many people feel lonely and the sheer

thought of coming home and having frightening dreams

of the war are just haunting. They are in need of some

comfort, and sometimes they just need a letter. I realized

that many soldiers look forward to their letters from home.

Without them, they'd probably feel a lot more lonely than they

already were.

It probably never crosses any one's mind, that there are other

people out there who really would like someone to talk to.

There are cool inventions, such as the "EMAIL" which

makes it a lot easier to talk to the soldiers. Since the mail

also gets there a lot faster than if we'd just wrote a letter.


1) What was your favorite book of all time?

2) Have you ever thought about the soldiers in Iraq? What do you think about the situation? (Please be nice)

3) Are you ready to leave school?! :)

Dear John LINK


Iraq War News


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, but you might want to run spellcheck real quick'

Scarlett_Rose said...

The book sounds fantastic (I can't type today!) but you might want to do a quick grammar check as well! However, one question, is this book sad, I mean, terribly sad, because, you and cardinalsfan should know I don't do sad...

KuroiKisu said...


Anonymous said...

Very nice blog!

gobluedevils042 said...

great blog i really enjoyed reading it.