Monday, June 4, 2007

Final Blogging

Hey guys I was just wondering before I start my last post, if any of you are going to continue to blog even though it will not be for a grade. I think it would be cool if we could keep the blog going, I have had fun on it this semester, and hope that you have too.

Anyways, when Ms. James told us that for part of our final we needed to do our best blog post ever, I had mixed emotions. I was happy because it seemed easier than taking an actual final but a little worried because I had no idea what I was going to blog about. Starting the final blog made me realize that it is not going to be as easy as I had expected it to be.

I have been reading a book called A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. I have not yet finished the book because I found it boring so I started a new one. The story is set during the French Revolution. In the story a girl meets her father who had been thought to be dead. That sadly is about as far as I have gotten. The book is really hard to understand and even harder to get into. It has just about everything from love to adventure and everything in between.

Reading this book made me think of the War in Iraq, for obvious reasons. The people in the French Revolution were fighting for many reasons. One of them was because the Roman Catholic Church was charging very high taxes. They were also fighting because there was a very high unemployement rate and the nation was in a huge national debt. The French Revolution affected many, just as all wars do but this one was different. People were being killed because of speaking out against the government and so they were sent to the guillotines.
Today, if we want to say things about our war we have the right to do that and we will not be executed for it. In both of these wars, many innocent people died and I am sure that many more people will continue to die because they are fighting for what they believe is right.
Well, thats it hope that you all have a great summer and stay safe. See you next year!!


cavalierschick said...

I bought this book a couple of months ago and I'm going to be starting it more than likely this summer. I thought it sounded interesting, but I can see how it can be seen as boring.

Eliza101 said...

It is interesting but it is really hard to get started reading it.

mellofelloet said...

It sounds good. Your post was very good. :)

Stella_in_color said...

wow way to pick a really old book! ha lol. well i think that it i a really great idea that we continue his blog so that we can keep up with each other this summer! I shall post about it!!!!

Lacy Jo said...

Your blog is good. Your book seems interesting. By the way i hope this summer i continue to blog, it would be awesome to keep in touch with mrs. james and the rest of the class! :)