Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What Do You Guys Say?...

How about we continue our blogging and keep it up during the summer just for a fun thing to do. It makes me sad that we become such good friends over the course of the year and then over the summer we all fall apart! We need to stay together! And it would be really cool to see what weve al been up to over the summer! we all pretty much know who we all are and if we "expose ourselfs" then it would be even better so we can post pictures from our vacations and such. So Ms. James as soon as you read this, lets discuss the subject! That would be really cool. By the way, this isn't my final best blog ever that one is titles My Friends... We Are Soaring read it. Its really great. So this is the end, hope everyone has a great summer!!! :-)

Love Stella


Anonymous said...

It would be kind of cool to keep this up. But it may be harder for others since summer is a really busy time. But if everyone wants to that would be sweet!

Erin said...

I will blog when I have time, so I am definitely up for it if the lot of us are.

mellofelloet said...

That woulld be neat but alot of people will be busy. I have band and then I am doing alot of stuff with my church. But like mmmk said, that would be really neat.

Eliza101 said...

Yea I said that in my blog. But would we still talk about school and books we are reading

Tony Buck said...

It would be cool to keep in touch with our class over the summer. I'll try if I have time, but I will probably end up forgetting. Have a great summer!