Sunday, March 18, 2007

"All Men Created Equal?"

Remember a couple of weeks ago when we were debating our views in class and one of those topics was "are all men created equal" well i just understood how that ties in with the book. While I was reading Atticus was in the courthouse talking to the jury about that same topic and he was tying it in with Tom Robinson. I thought it was so interesting how Atticus expressed his views and I found myself agreeing. What did you all think? I hope you all are enjoying the rest of the book. :)


Lacy Jo said...

Yes, finally I am begging to like the book. I enjoyed reading your blog. I do agree it was pretty neat to see Atticus express how he was feeling.

brownboy said...

this book is turning out to be good and it was cool how atticus felt. I totally agree

notre_dame_bound said...

I totally agree with you. The book is starting to get really good. I enjoyed reading your post.