Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring Break!!!!

Finally it has arrived, I have been waiting so long for this and I can't believe it is finally here. All im going to do is hang out and sleep. Absolutly no school work. Im also going to watch all the NCAA games even though all my teams are out, Duke, TExas A&M and then finally SIU, I was pretty disappointed when all of them got knocked out but They will be back next year stronger than ever. Spring Break is going to be sweet.


CrazyDay said...

I wish I was as luck as you.

I have a research paper/science fair to write, and I still need to finish mockingbird. I've gotten behind the last few days, so I need to catch up/finish up.

Otherwise, it will be a pretty relaxing spring break.

It'll go by too fast though. Long breaks like that always do.

Erin said...

G'town, all they way!

Anonymous said...

that sounds fun man, spring break is gonna be super awesome