Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Death Row

In "To Kill A Mockingbird" Tom Robinson is put on death row for something he didn't do. But the "all white" jury still found him guilty after all the evidence they had. I do not think this is a fair punishment for someone who did not kill anyone. Now on the whole death row thing, many people are on death row today. I think death row is a fair punishment if you kill someone. (Which is the only reason they put people on death row today.) I believe if someone takes an innocent persons life, than they should lose their own. What do you guys think?



cavalierschick said...

I haven't fully made up my mind on this topic, but I just don't see how we have the right to judge people like that. This isn't jail, this is ending someone's life prior then when they would have died. I just can't get past that part right there. I bet I would think differently if someone killed someone I knew, but I just think that a decision that people should not be allowed to make. I don't know. That's just one of the thoughts I have about that subject.

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I am actually against the death penalty. Even if they do take someones life it doesnt mean that we should take theirs, besides, i think they would suffer more wasting away in jail than just being killed.

Erin said...

I am against capital punishment. There are time when the convicted is innocent and they are execute for a crime that they didn't commit. My friend's great-grandmother was killed by a guy who was on meth at the time and didn't know what he was doing. Her grandparents talked with the killer and saw his mistake and remorse. They then asked the judge to rule out capital punishment. I think what you need to ask yourself is, Do they deserve it?

brownboy said...

I think it is not up to people to decide if someone has the right to die. It is gods decision if it is time. Its like the saying two wrongs dont make a right.

NYC ShowbizDancer said...

I am so torn on this topic! I agree with "brownboy" that it is ultimately up to God to decide when a person dies. But then the other night I was reading the bible and I realized that many people in those times were stoned to death when they murdered or committed a crime. If it were up to me though, I would have no capital punishment.

Cyclops1 said...

My feelings on the death penalty are that it is good to an extent and past that it is bad. The time when it is good to have a death penalty is when someone is a convicted serial killer and has killed MORE than one person and there is no doubt that it was them who did it. If the person killed one other person then it is still bad but not as bad and that person should only get a death penalty if it is 100 percent sure that the convicted person was the murderer. I also don't think it's fair that the American people should have to pay taxes to keep someone alive in jail that has killed another person thats just unfair. Those are my feelings about the death penalty.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the not so dum blonde. I think that if someone has to suffer in jail and think about what they did, not to mention maybe have a second chance is way better than just ending their life, that is letting them off easy. Also the person might be innocent! What if it was you who had made a mistake?