Friday, March 23, 2007

yes! finally

We are finally finished with that darn mockinbird book, man it did turn out to be good though. I was extremely skeptical in the beginning but it turned out alright. I did finally finish it up last night even though i was a little bit behind. Ms. James made a very good point in her blog by saying the one's closest to us we dont know. Many times i think that people are not thankful enough for the ones that are closest to them. I try hard everyday to be thankful for life, my friends and family as well. Whenever a friend needs a favor ive always got his or her back. That is one thing that is very important to me.

Today's art is another painting of Alex Grey's. done for an album by the band tool, and featured in their album cover. It is the visualization of humans, seen down the hallway. Have a great spring break!!!


Lacy Jo said...

Thanks for the comment and yes I have to agree I am darn glad it is over to :)

Eliza101 said...

agreed it was good for the time being