Tuesday, March 20, 2007

And the verdict is...

As i was reading the latest chapters of To Kill A Mockingbird, i had an overwhelming feeling of hope that Tom Robinson would be set free but I was disappointed to see that they charged him as guilty. I had thought that Toms story of Mayella attacking him might sway the verdict because it was very believable. Although in the end, he ended up being guilty, i have read aheah and ill geve you this much, There is hope for Atticus with Tom Robinsons case. Hopefully there will be some kind of plot change that can help the story turn out better. I have a question though, Why was it such a big deal that the kids were at the trial? Also, why was it such a big deal that they were sitting in the balcony? I would post a link but i cant seem to find one that relates to the topic that i am discussing. Well happy reading!!!!

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