Monday, March 19, 2007

New Experiences

Hello 3rd Block English 1 Honors students (that's a long title).

First, I would like to say thank you so much for everything you wrote in that card for me. As you will soon realize, the older you get and the further along in school you move, the decisions you will have to make become increasingly difficult. When I ask myself, "Do I really want to be a teacher? Is this really my calling and will I make it?", I'm not always sure of the answers. But when I read the words you guys left on that card, I feel the answers are simply "yes". Thank you for letting me spend time with you and the chance to get to know you better.
I am currently doing my second block student teaching at Hillcrest. I am teaching three sections of English III and two sections of English II Honors. (it's a hefty load, but I'll make it). The kids have been very kind to me so far. Some I think are testing me a bit to see what kind of teacher I am going to be; but that's okay. I am working with a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Foltz (Her and Ms. James would get along famously) I showed her your blog today and man was she impressed. she couldn't believe the things she was reading were coming from a freshman class. so props to you guys. I hope you realize that your class and the other classes that Ms. James teaches are pioneers. Almost every English teacher at Hillcrest has heard about this "Infamous class that uses blogs in the classroom". You are certainly turning some heads.
Well time for me to sign off and get to making plans for the "Lord of the Flies". I believe you will read that next year.
Mr. Wolff


Anonymous said...

We miss you, good luck at hillcrest!

brownboy said...

I am glad you are going to be a teacher! You would make a great one

KuroiKisu said...

You're going to make an excellent teacher...we miss joooo!!

Anonymous said...

i hope you have fun at hillcrest

Leroy Jenkins said...

I think you'll make a sweet teacher. Very Nice. thanks for spending time with us this year. I hope you can pioneer some sort of teaching discovery of your own some day!

Ms. James said...

Hey, Mr. Wolff, I needed the boost today! We all appreciate your support and wish you well!

NYC ShowbizDancer said...

I hope you are enjoying your time at Hillcrest! We all miss you very much :( I especially miss when you read to us, you had a really good voice and made the story so interesting. Have fun! You'll make a GREAT teacher!