Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Hobbit

So right now I am reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein. I decided to read this book, because I got it plus all of The Lord of the Rings books for Christmas one year, but I never read them. So I felt kind of guilty and decided to read them. The Hobbit precedes The Lord of the Rings:The Fellowship of the Ring. It starts out with a little hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo leads the easy life until Gandalf and a band of dwarves shanghai him into an adventure. Bilbo is not necessarily accustomed to adventure and would rather go on with his peaceful, quiet life. But Bilbo feels obliged to join them. The dwarves and Gandalf then christen him as "the burglar" since he is small and rather intuitive. I am not that far into the book, but right now, Bilbo is being hung by his ankle by a bunch of trolls. Have you guys ever read any of Tolkein's books? Well, I do enjoy the author's writing style. It seems to me that he rights from a view point of third person, but mixes in a little bit of Bilbo's view point. Have you ever read books like that? If yoiu have read The Lord of the Rings, were they good?


cavalierschick said...

I loved The Hobbit. I read it when I was in fifth grade and it quickly became my favorite book. J.R.R. Tolkein writes so beautifully and his characters are entertaining beyond belief. I really hope you like this book. I've read the majority of The Lord of the Rings series and it's still one of my favortie collection of books. I tried reading the prequel to The Hobbit, but it wasn't very exciting and I didn't have tim. (That's funny. That book would be a prequel to the prequel to the Lord of the Rings. :] ) Good luck with it and I hope you like it!

Erin said...

What is the prequel called?

mygame_tennis16 said...

I loved that book. :)

Leroy Jenkins said...

I think the book she is talking about is The Silmarillion, it's like a book explaining the beginnings of Middle Earth, correct if I'm wrong and you are referring to another book..?

mellofelloet said...

I love Tolkeins books. I have read the trilogy and The Hobbit. I loke the books and cavalierschick is right about the way that he writes. I really think that you should keep reading the books. They are amazing.