Friday, March 16, 2007

What is it mean when people say act like a lady?!?

Now im I can truly say I am starting to enjoy "To Kill a Mockingbird." I am about a chapter behind than what am I suppose to be. I plan on catchin up this weekend. I thought it was interesting to read in chapter twelve that Jem was tired of Scout pestering him and he told her to act like more like a girl. I thought this was a little ironic because about a week or so ago if you all can recall we had a survey with questions on it that we had to tell if we agreeded with it or not. If I remember right there was a staement on there that said every girl should act as a lady. As a class we discussed what it really meant for a girl to act as a 'girl'. I belive that if Jem were in our class he would love to explain to us what it was exactly how a girl was to act. I suppose he would also explain what it was like to live with a sister like scout, and how he jus wished for her to leave him alone. I love moments like these in the book as im reading. I find it very interesting to be able to realate real life situations to the characters and events to the book. I speak for myself but the book is becoming more interesting to me and i hope you all can say the same! :)


Stella_in_color said...

thats a really cute picture of that little girl.

1dayi'llfly said...

I found it funny that Jem told Scout to act like a girl, because earlier he told her that she could go home if she was going to act like a girl. It was a little ironic.