Friday, March 16, 2007


I was looking back at old posts and noticed that somebody wondered if To Kill a Mockingbird was a love story. And frankly I believe it is. I haven't read ahead, but I can already see the love. Atticus shows quite a lot of love for Tom Robinson. Even though Atticus is persecuted by the town for his defending of Tom. I really believe that Atticus will still represent Tom. I believe that Atticus is a believer in the virtue of "love thy neighbor". I think of Atticus as a man of his word and moral. I find it a shame that the county cannot accept racial differences.  Maybe in the end, Maycomb will see there is more to people than black and white. Maybe Maycomb will learn to love.


never_give_up said...
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never_give_up said...

I think the love is between other people,i would explain but i would give stuff away.I really like Atticus and he seems like a very respectable man. I wish i could've met him, yes i know he's just a character based on someone. i think it would be worth not having a mom to have a dad like Atticus.

March 18, 2007 5:48 PM