Friday, March 23, 2007


"Sometimes people are more comfortable with a stereotype than than the truth." This was one of the main topics from To Kill a Mockingbird that Ms. James pointed out. I think that it is completely true. Some example from the book that pop into my mind are The Lady's Missionary Meeting and Mr. Dolphus Raymond. Mr Raymond acts like he in constantly drunk, so that everyone can stereotype him and not face the truth that a sane white man married a colored woman because he loved her. He understands people like that, and just decides to give them something to talk about. The lady's missionary society were all complete hypocrites and they assumed that Atticus was just a little bit out of his mind to defend Tom Robinson. I think that this is all just human nature and Harper Lee does a great job of portraying it.


Anonymous said...

everyone has stereotypes, but some of them are incorrect, and that is the part i dont like

Scarlett_Rose said...

Every steotype is incorrect. There isn't one that's right. Every steotype is based on opinion and that's where we get in trouble.

Eliza101 said...

i do not agree. you can sterotype a person and it could be right. now im not saying that sterotyping is right but that you can reach a correct conclusion of the person.

Scarlett_Rose said...

About a person, yes, but sterotyping is when you form an opinion about a group of people, not one single person.

Crouching_Tiger said...

Stereotypes often are proven to be more true than false. This is not because certain races, gender, or whatever may cause you to be different, but it is because of a lifestyle. When one is born into a certain family, that family may carry on it's culture. Many caucasian families differ in how they act. However, many families from less fortunate countries push their children(s)'s education and other unique talents to a further degree than the norm for the average family. However, no one should stereotype before knowing the other person.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Or better yet, just don't stereotype at all. When you see someone, don't automatically put them in a selected group because of what they look like. For instance, someone who dresses in all black, what is your first thought of them? If you think of them as cutting themselves, drugs, and what-not, that would be stereotyping. Or, preps, they're all snobby. Stereotype. All rich kids are spoiled, stereotype. All poor kids are troublemakers, stereotype. These are the things that I say are incorrect. Yes, some people give cause for these thoughts, but not everyone. That is where the individuality come in.

NYC ShowbizDancer said...

I definantely agree with you. Personally I feel that when a person makes a stereotype it is out of their own lack of knowledge. This post kind of relates to the last post I just read about walking in other peoples shoes. I believe that before you make your mind up about something you need to experience that way of life first.

Scarlett_Rose said...

Stereotypes just prove that we can't think for ourselves and we'll listen to anything we're told, and we'll believe most anything if everyone else does.