Friday, March 23, 2007

To kill or not to kill... that is the question

Ok so finishing the book I realized just how much I don't know about it. Like I just got the connection of Jem's arm being broken in the beginning of the book and what really happened to it. Some of the things that Ms. James posted on her post are really interesting like you can't understand a person until you walk in their shoes. I agree with this fully. To be able to understand what a person's views are you kind of have to know the person first.
I was surprised to find out just how much I really liked the book and wanted it to have an ending that did not leave you with more questions then answers. Some of those questions being...
1. What happened to Jem? Boo Radley? Scout?
2. Who really killed Bob Ewell? Was he even killed or was it foul play?
3. Was it really Boo who put all of those things in the tree? If so why?

If you have any answers of theories to these questions please help me out a little bit!! I hope that you all have a fun filled spring break!!! Enjoy!!!

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