Sunday, March 18, 2007

Standing Up

When I was reading these chapters one of the things that came to my mind was standing up for others. I thought of this because of what Atticus did for Tom, staying outside the jail to help him stay safe. I think that it was very considerate and brave. If you had been in Atticus's spot would you have just let that big mob attack Tom? How brave do you think that Scout was when she talked to Mr. Cunningham? I think that if I had been in her shoes I would have had a hard time defending my dad. Sometimes the biggest changes are from the littlest people.
So some other kind of random questions. How was your weekend? I know that I hardly had any time to sleep because of contest and such. How about your St. Patty's day? Did you get to do anything special? Well hope that you all comment.

1 comment:

never_give_up said...

I hope that i would've done the same as Atticus, but no one really knows what they would do unless they were there. yeah, scout was amazingly brave but i'm not sure she realized just how dangerous it was to do that. That really made me think that if there were a lot of kids around maybe there wouldn't be so much violence. I was shocked that the presence and innocence of a little girl could do so much, Atticus was lucky that they came.