Thursday, March 22, 2007

Warning:Post Contains Spoilers

So I finished Mockingbird. I was really disappointed when it ended. I wanted to know what happened when Jem woke up. I had no idea that Bob Ewell was going to get the kids. But this proved one thing to me. Some of the wisest men can sometimes be off the mark. Throughout the whole book, we saw Atticus as this man with all of this intellect, wisdom, and coolness. It seemed like Atticus always knew what was the right thing to do. Atticus was sure that Bob Ewell wasn't going to do anything to Atticus, but he obviously wrong. This shows us that even the smartest men can make mistakes. I think this also shows how youth today is generally ignored. Jem and Scout had a sense of foreboding that Bob Ewell did not get it out of his system. But Atticus ignored them and contradicted their views of the situation. Today, children's opinions are often ignored because they are considered to have not yet have enough life experience for their voice to count. Sometimes adults are not able to realize that children's views can be justified and that they can be right sometimes. This adds to the stigma of our generation that we are all about ourselves and that we really don't seem to know a whole lot. Harper Lee showed that keeping an open mind is probably one of the wisest things you could ever do. I really did enjoy this book and I believe at one point all readers should have the chance to read this extraordinary novel.

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