Sunday, March 18, 2007

Thoughts on the trial and Mayella

I've finally caught up to where we're suppost to read. I even read ahead not realizing it. The book is getting a lot better. I'm actually getting into it. I hope you guys are too. The trial was making me mad. It's obvious Tom didn't do it. It makes me mad that a innocent black man is charged with a crime that a white man did. I haven't gotten to the end of the trial, but I'm really hoping the jury won't just say he's guilty because he's black. I felt sorry for Mayella, but at the same time I was mad at her for lying about what happened. What's your opinon about Mayella? If she would have told the truth, her dad would hurt her, and who knows what else. And if she doesn't tell the truth, Tom could possibly end up in jail. Either way it's not a happy ending. What would you guys do? Personally, i would tell the truth, because i couldn't live with myself if i let an innocent man serve time in jail.

1 comment:

~ima dumb blonde~ said...

I have to agree with you. I don't think I could stand to send an innocent person to jail just because of the color of their skin. I think that Mayella needs to do what is right, and tell the truth about what happened, even if that involves her dad turning out to be the bad guy.