Friday, March 23, 2007


Through everyday and every moment prejudice spread throughout the world. People around the world are judge before one even goes into a conversation with another. Blacks in the early 1900's and before then were often judged. They were judged as inferior and not capable of becoming their own successful society. Everyone expected them to just go down in history and forever be laborers. One day in class, we had a substitute and he just happened to have tourettes. Immediately after the sub turned his back, people started making fun of him, mocking him. It infuriated me. But why do people do it? Some people do it to make themselves feel better about themselves and can serve as a form of amusement. Making others less of worth than oneself makes them feel better and amuses them. It is really sad how people are willing to put others down and not take their feelings into consideration. No matter how many people state the world is fair, the imperfect human race will always go back to their primative characteristics of prejudice, pride, greed, and so many other sinful thoughts.

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