Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Butterfly Sisters~!

Today in My Spanish class we learned information about Dominican Republic's dictatorship. A man who goes by the name of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo was Dominicans dictator in the years of 1930 until 1961. You are all probally wondering where the Mirabal sisters fit into this story. Well first of all they got the nick name , "Butterflies" and secondly they did not like how Rafael ran thier country and belived he would drive them in to economic chaos. Rafael found out about how the sisters were taunting him and he did not care for that at all. One day while the sisters were visting on of thier husbands in prison, Rafael sent a anynomus amount of men to intercept the girls. Well the men did exactly that and a little more. The men tortured and beat the sisters to death! Just as Rafael began to think he had his problem removed, the crime backfired on him. The resultant publicity of the deaths caused the Dominican public to become more interested in the Mirabal sisters and their cause. This public support and awareness contributed to Trujillo's assassination six months later in 1961. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirabal_sisters<---- this is a link that goes into more deatail about the sisters how they got thier nicknames and such. There are also books and movies out that explore this story.What I conclude to this is that yes not everyone is treated the same. The sisters were innocent and so are a lof of people today. I do not belive in slavery, segregation, or any seperation. I hope for someday there to be peace! Hope you all can enjoy my blog!

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