Friday, March 23, 2007

Finished With To Kill A Mockingbird

So now we have finally finished To Kill A Mockingbird. It actually turned out to be a good book. I was actually not surprised that Boo Radley came and saved Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell. Throughout the whole book Harper Lee mentioned Boo so it would have to big of a letdown for Scout or Jem to never see him. I did feel slightly letdown though, when Jem was unconnscious and did not get to see Boo Radley. If the book would have continued then he probably would have seen him, or at least gone to the Radley front door and thanked him.

After the book was over my first thought was that I was glad it was finished but there are so many unanswered questions and things that Harper Lee could have continued to write about I kind of wish the book was longer. What does everyone else think?

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