Friday, March 23, 2007

It's over

I was so excited that I was almost finished, but now I'm sad that it's over. I wasn't surprised that Boo helped save Jem and Scout, because someone ruined it for me. They told me what happened in the end. It was dissapointing cause I already knew what was happening. I hate it when people ruin the story. The end of the book was probably my favorite. I really enjoyed reading to Kill a Mockingbird. I'm still confused about who killed Bob. I thought it was boo, but i'm really confused. Can someone explain?

1 comment:

ice skate dreamer said...

I don't really think there is a definite answer to your question. I think that was the point to give your own opinion and let your mind wander to what you think happened. I don't know though. I could be totally off. I am sorry someone ruined the end of the book for you. I would have been upset too. It was a great ending still. I am glad you liked the book. Have an awesome spring break.