Friday, March 23, 2007


The book "To Kill A Mockingbird" was not one of my favorites. I thought the book was very well written, but I would not want to read it again. I loved that the story was told by Scout, I think that if it would have been by anyone elses point of view that story would be pretty lame. What do you think?

Anyways, I know we were suppose to tie in some of the things Ms. James wrote about in her blog. But I just decided to write about it.

So the topic I have chosen to write about is - Courage means fighting for something even though you are "licked before you even start."
I think this is soo true, many people fight for something they believe in, and people put them down. Such as Martin Luther King Jr. he wanted all people to be treated equal, no matter what color they were. Many people put down his idea and critized him, but he kept fighting for what he believed in.

1 comment:

Eliza101 said...

i agree i think that it was an ok book but i probably will not read it for a long time if ever