Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Slavery Today!

Wow, I seriously did not know that there was still slavery in our world today. IJM (International Justice Mission) sounds like an awesome organization though, for all that they do. It's just so hard to believe that some of these stories of people being forced to make bricks for 20 years or of young girls being forced into prostitution, are actually true! It makes me shudder just thinking about it. In a speech that Zach Hunter made about IJM and slavery he says "what if it was you?" I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm sure glad that it's not me and that none of this goes on in America. This brings up another good point though. Just because it isn't happening in our city doesn't mean that we shouldn't help. Well I found all these websites to be very sad, but kind of inspiring. What did you all think?

This is another cool site that I found about slavery nationaly today. you can click on the continents to read about slavery in those certain areas.

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