Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Emmit Till's Story

I had never heard of Emmit Till until today in class when we were to read the links. I thought it would be interesting so I read up on it. Now I am not going to tell the whole story detail for detail because that would take to long, but I will tell you the jist of the story. Emmit Till was fourteen years old. He was visiting his cousin's in Mississippi when he was murdered. There was this store called Money run by white people. It was around nine o'clock and Till was with his cousins and friends. There were outside the Money. Bobo,Emmit's nickname, was bragging about this white girl he was seeing back in Chicago. He had a picture of her and telling everybody that he did you know what with her. Well with all of this high talk one of the guys said to prove it. That there was a white woman in that store across the street and if he was such a smooth talker with white ladies that he should asked the girl on a date. So he didn't want to be a coward so he went in bought some gum and asked the girl at the counter on a date. A couple days later the womans husband found out what had gone on and he went to look for the boy. The husband found Bobo and took him down to this big bluff. The story says that he was only trying to scare the boy. Well he had the Emmit undress and Emmit still thought of himself as good as a white man. The husband killed him and later Emmit's body was found by some boy's fishing down the river. I could not believe this story. I was so impressed on how Emmit stood his ground and would not back down to someone that thought they were more superior than he. It is a shame that he had to lose his life because of it though. I thought this a great site. What did you guys think of the story? Had you heard about this before? What were your initial reactions? Hope to hear your opinions.

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