Thursday, March 22, 2007


I could not believe the ending of the book. It was so surprising. Mr.Ewell finally got what I felt that he deserved. After the way he lied in court and ended up essentially killing Tom Robinson, I think that he deserved to get killed himself. I thought it was also very clever how Harper Lee incorperated the first part of the book into the ending of it too. I finally figured out why Jem had broken his arm and why it was so significant to the book. I also have to say that I agree with Ms. James, I wished that there could have been more to the story. This was a great book and I really enjoyed reading it!


mygame_tennis16 said...

I agree. The ending of this book was really good.

gobluedevils042 said...

Yea the ending was pretty sweet

Anonymous said...

ya i agree

Anonymous said...

ya i agree