Friday, March 23, 2007

The Lost Boy

I am reading a book right now called The Lost Boy. It is the sequeal of A Child Called It. I have already posted about that book before but I haven't talked about this one. This is the part of the story where Dave finally gets away from his abusive mother and is put into foster care. Throughout the book he is trying to fins a new family that will adopt and love him for who he is. This is kind of the happy ending to a sad story. I wish every child abuse story could end up like this one, but sadly enough they dont. There are still many kids who grow up in unsafe homes. Want to know how you can help stop this horrible act? Click here for a link to become more informed about child abuse. I'm not that far into it yet so I dont know a lot of detail but I will keep everyone updated as best I can. I hope everyone enjoyed Mockingbird, and have a great spring break!!!

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