Saturday, March 17, 2007


How was everyones St. Patty's Day? Anyone get pinched? I completely forgot to about today until someone tried to pinch me. I wasn't wearing green but I had green on me somewhere so I got to pinch them back. :P So what are your thoughts about the trial in Mockingbird? Yesterday I watched Open Season and I got to thinking "What would animals think of us?". This is sorta random but related to some of the stories as we did peer counseling. Well opinions are welcome and have a great weekend. :D

1 comment:

never_give_up said...

Weird, i was watching open season on friday night too. The trial made me sick just to think about. i can't stand that kind of racism, it makes me sick. I have no idea what animals would think of us, probably that we are too serious about everything and we should just relax and enjoy the great outdoors. maybe, i don't really know.