Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Confederate Harper Lee?

I am beginning to think that Harper Lee was one of those people who is an "Old South" kind of person in a way, aside from the Slavery aspect, which is humorous. I don't know if its just coincidence, but if it is, this is funny that many of her characters last names are those of old Generals of the Confederacy from Civil War times, for example some of the primary characters, the Ewells.

(This is a humorous conspiracy, not to be taken seriously)


KuroiKisu said...

Maybe you should read up on her, she's not all that bad :)

Leroy Jenkins said...

I read about her on her website. I don't dislike her though, but I can have my own conspiracies.

mellofelloet said...

Sorry to tell you this but almost everybody in the south has a last name that are the same as confederate generals. But I know that you are just trying to be funny.

Leroy Jenkins said...

I disagree that Ewell is a popular name; however, Stuart or Lee is popular, yes.

Erin said...

I don't think that Harper Lee is a confederate. She is African-American. But she's just really pale.

Leroy Jenkins said...
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Leroy Jenkins said...

Harper Lee is not Black.