Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Racism Today

Even though slavery and segregation ended a long time ago i feel that there is still some presense. It has come a long way but not all the way. I doubt that racism will ever end entirely. I fell that there will always be some group that refuses to change or accept change within our society. Even today i think because of stereotyping and how it used to be racism is still around. I think racism will come very close to ending because the generation when racism was the strongest is now coming to an end. Overall i think that racism has made huge steps in improving and i can only hope that someday it will completely die off. What do you think? Click here for a link.


~ima dumb blonde~ said...

ya i agree with you. i think racism has come along way since it first began. hopefully it will continue to get better as time goes on.

NYC ShowbizDancer said...

Wow! That was a really cool link! I agree with you that racism is still stongly present today. What do you think we could do to end the hostility towards others. Do you still believe that African Americans are the greatest disgriminated against?