Monday, March 26, 2007

Hey! How's everyones spring break going? Mine is amazing. I'm in Flordia right now. Just got back from the beach. On the way here I read a book. I don't remember the title...sorry. I never can. But, it took place after 911. The main character was going through a lot, his father in-law died during 911. It hit him hard and he walked away from everyone he loved and everything he believed in. It took a lot of strength from the people he loved to keep loving him. It reminded me of to Kill a Mockingbird, when Scout and Jim were with Mrs. Dubose. It was Mrs.Dubose right, I can't ever remember names. Anyway, they were taught to show respect towards her even though she was a pain. In the story I just finished, his family had a hard time to showing love towards him. It was a theme they both had in common. Loving others, even when you don't think they deserve it.


ice skate dreamer said...

I am glad you are having a great time in Florida. I hope it isn't rainy there like it is here. It is kind of gloomy. I wish I were at the beach with you it would be a lot of fun. I got my permit yesterday though so it made my day great. On Saturday and maybe Sunday I am still going to SDC. Have a great rest of your spring break.

mellofelloet said...

Well, my springbreak is okay. Nothing really exciting is happening. I did have a root canal on Monday. I am going to SDC today and that will be fun. enjoy Florida.