Friday, March 23, 2007


On one of Ms. James' points to write about there is a topic of people not liking each other but still giving each other respect. I totally agree with this statement. There are people that when I am around them they get on my nerves and aggravate me a lot. Though I do not like to be around them I think it is still important to give them respect. Sometimes they just don't do anything and I still don't like to be around them. I guess I just don't like their personality. I don't know. All I know is that I want to be treated with respect so I should give them the respect that they don't always deserve. I know that not everyone is perfect but we all should be considerate of others.
On another point, I loved the ending of Mockingbird. I can't believe that Scout actually got to see Boo Radley. I would not want to be the one to tell Jem that he missed all of that. It would be disappointing to have wanted to see him for so long and there he is right in your room and you missed out. Though Jem can always brag about the point that Boo had helped him even though he didn't see him. Boo was still their and it would be an amazing story to tell. How did all of you like the ending of the book? Did it turn out the way you thought it would? Have a great spring break!

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