Friday, March 23, 2007

"We often don't appreciate those we are close to."

This thought appears to be very true in some cases. Some of us take the ones that we are close to for granted. We say that "we hate them" or "you're stupid" and stuff like that. Everybody doesn't do that but some of us do. I think we should think about what if that person were to vanish and how our lives would change. Everyone has their own unique personality so they deal with things in their own perspective. If someone handles a situation different than you that doesn't mean you have to dislike them. If someone were to give you a gift that you don't want and your friend gets the gift he wants. You are mad because he got what he wants but you didn't. That doesn't mean you should hate the person who gave you the gift. You should thank them instead because a gift is better than no gift. Correct? If the people close to me were to vanish, I wouldn't know what to do. I sometimes take them for granted but I learned from my mistakes and think positive instead of negative. So wrapping this up, don't take those closest to you for granted. Have a good spring break everyone! :D


mellofelloet said...

I agree with your begining thought. Last year my dad went into the h0ospital and he stayed there for over a month. As I watched him in the hospital that thought of taking him for granted kept going through my mind. I couldnt help but feel bad for the times when I said, "I hate you" or any of those other things that teenagers say to make their parents mad. I am so glad that he is still here with me and that I can see him every morning when I wake up.

Scarlett_Rose said...

The problem is that the people that DO take their close ones for granted, often enough, they think that nothing will ever happen to the close one.